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We provide guidance to clients and businesses based on region and geographic laws like

Contract Drafting

Drafting of a contract is the step-by-step inclusion of specific clauses, terms and conditions that are expressed as per the needs and wants of the party/parties to the contract.

Regulatory Services

Regulatory Services is responsible for enforcing laws relating to Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Planning Enforcement. These relate to certain aspects of health, public safety, business and consumer protection.

Corporate & Commercial Solutions

We provide legal services to corporation and commercial establishments in all the legal aspects like documentation, contract, NDA..

Litigation & Alternate Dispute Resolution Support

We ensure and follow all processes of taking legal action in a court of law. Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism provides scientifically developed techniques to Indian judiciary which helps in reducing the burden on the courts. ADR provides various modes of settlement including, arbitration, conciliation, mediation, negotiation and lok Adalat.

Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.

Legal Advisory

Legal advice is the giving of a professional or formal opinion regarding the substance or procedure of the law in relation to a particular factual situation.

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